CTC 2023

by | Mar 3, 2023 | School News | 0 comments

Taking part in Indonesian education development has always been the focus of Charis National Academy’s commitment. One of the many initiatives is providing affordable and quality teacher training (Charis Teachers Conference). Our commitment stands strong, even though the Charis Teachers Conference was hampered by the Covid-19 pandemic. The last time CTC was held in Malang was in early 2020, exactly a week before we enter the period of home-isolation. During the three-year pandemic, CTC was held online twice. And by the grace of God, it will be hosted back onsite in Malang, on March 4, 2023.

“It takes a village to raise a child” has become one of the foundational principles behind the formation of CTC. The education of a child cannot be accomplished alone, and the education of a country needs synergy between everyone. This year CTC is particularly special because of the support and guidance that many educators have received from the Teacher Activation Program (PGP) delivered by the Department of Education and Culture. Educators from all levels have benefited from this program: Guru Penggerak, Pengajar Praktik, Instructor, and also Guru Penggerak candidates who are in the process of being trained through PGP. Moving forward together as a community and not in isolation has been a foundational belief that launched CTC in the beginning and still drives CTC today. Fellow teachers, educators, parents and whoever has a passion for growing and learning more about the education of children and young people in Indonesia, we invite you to join us for CTC 2023 on the 4th of March this year (2023). (SI)

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